Agroecology an environmental fulcrum to Sustainable Community Development

Neem is a tree, an answer to global issues.
NEEM is also an organization in Durham that replicates the Cuban model in Agroecological approaches to sustainable agriculture.
Organoponico NEEM is a cooperative 11.2 acre farm run by NEEM that provides sustainable economies (jobs), infrastructure and fresh organic food at below conventional market prices to low income minority neighborhoods.
NEEM is a philosophy based on the idea that it is not only healthier but cheaper to farm sustainably. We use Agroecological concepts and organic, naturally occurring, yearly harvestable inputs; such as neem tree by products, as fulcrum’s to “Sustainable Community Development”. In that same model we stress “Peak Water” as a reality we cannot avoid.
The industrial model of agriculture is in a global crisis. Resources for the production of food are compromised. Increasing yields through industrialized production is challenged. Agroecology in the urban (and rural) sector must triumph over conventional methods. The impacts of the industrial model are not sustainable. Urban Agroecology in practice and theory is sustainable with a positive impact on the socio-economic and environmental dynamic.The Urban farm is an eco system. Agroecology blends old and new technical advances with sustainable farming practices. In reality agriculture as practiced today, especially, is not truly sustainable. We disrupt the fabric of the land and the natural order of things to perform it. Urban agroecological approaches take into consideration the urban environment. Approaches to agroecology in the urban sector are similar yet distinctly different. NEEM takes a Frank Lloyd Wright approach that blends and integrates the farm into the ecological framework so it is not disruptive, but diverse, complimentary & productive with the least amount of environmental impact. As urban agroecology gains favor, the need for trained professionals and technicals will increase.
The fall of the iron curtain and the embargo created a "crisis induced scarcity of external inputs for agriculture". Cuba returned to sustainable agriculture by default and embraced it. Cuba evolved over 20 years to the Agroecological approach, one that is self sustaining, ecologically sound and in harmony with nature. America is in its own “Special Period”. We have the opposite, or a “crisis induced abundance of external inputs”. If one community can sustain itself in an agroecological way, then so can the next. If Cuba with a land mass the size of pennsylvania can succeed argoecologically then so can States, the U. S. and other counties.
It is not the burden that is important, it is how you carry it. We have the burden to rise above what has been failed success and take to task promotion and practice internationally of Agroecological concepts.

NEEM is also an organization in Durham that replicates the Cuban model in Agroecological approaches to sustainable agriculture.
Organoponico NEEM is a cooperative 11.2 acre farm run by NEEM that provides sustainable economies (jobs), infrastructure and fresh organic food at below conventional market prices to low income minority neighborhoods.
NEEM is a philosophy based on the idea that it is not only healthier but cheaper to farm sustainably. We use Agroecological concepts and organic, naturally occurring, yearly harvestable inputs; such as neem tree by products, as fulcrum’s to “Sustainable Community Development”. In that same model we stress “Peak Water” as a reality we cannot avoid.
The industrial model of agriculture is in a global crisis. Resources for the production of food are compromised. Increasing yields through industrialized production is challenged. Agroecology in the urban (and rural) sector must triumph over conventional methods. The impacts of the industrial model are not sustainable. Urban Agroecology in practice and theory is sustainable with a positive impact on the socio-economic and environmental dynamic.The Urban farm is an eco system. Agroecology blends old and new technical advances with sustainable farming practices. In reality agriculture as practiced today, especially, is not truly sustainable. We disrupt the fabric of the land and the natural order of things to perform it. Urban agroecological approaches take into consideration the urban environment. Approaches to agroecology in the urban sector are similar yet distinctly different. NEEM takes a Frank Lloyd Wright approach that blends and integrates the farm into the ecological framework so it is not disruptive, but diverse, complimentary & productive with the least amount of environmental impact. As urban agroecology gains favor, the need for trained professionals and technicals will increase.
The fall of the iron curtain and the embargo created a "crisis induced scarcity of external inputs for agriculture". Cuba returned to sustainable agriculture by default and embraced it. Cuba evolved over 20 years to the Agroecological approach, one that is self sustaining, ecologically sound and in harmony with nature. America is in its own “Special Period”. We have the opposite, or a “crisis induced abundance of external inputs”. If one community can sustain itself in an agroecological way, then so can the next. If Cuba with a land mass the size of pennsylvania can succeed argoecologically then so can States, the U. S. and other counties.
It is not the burden that is important, it is how you carry it. We have the burden to rise above what has been failed success and take to task promotion and practice internationally of Agroecological concepts.